CS 466 - Usable Mobile Interfaces

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This is a living schedule and subject to change

Week Date Topic Assignments
1 09/09 Introduction Attendance
09/11 UI/UX & Interaction design Attendance
09/13 Human-centered design Assignment 1 due, Attendance
2 09/16 Conceptual models Assignment 2 due, Attendance
09/18 App critiques Assignment 3 due, Attendance
09/20 Emotion and Aesthetics Assignment 4 due, Attendance
3 09/23 Interaction design/Design Thinking, Empathize
09/25 Define: Context and embodiment Assignment 5 due
09/27 Concept statements, Personas and scenarios (examples)
4 09/30 Project Ideation
10/02 Focus groups Assignment 6 due
10/04 Prototyping
5 10/07 Evaluation techniques Project proposals due
10/09 Project conferences Assignment 7 due
10/11 Project conferences
6 10/14 Prototyping / evaluation exercise Proposal revisions due
10/16 Design philosophy discussion Assignment 8 due
10/18 Design evaluations Requirements and initial design sketches due
7 10/21 No Class - Fall Break
10/23 Introduction to React Native Design sketches due
10/25 No Class - CCSCE
8 10/28 Intro continued (slides)
React Native layout practical
10/30 Navigation
React Native layout practical continued
11/01 Paper prototyping evaluation Paper prototypes due
9 11/04 React Native layout practical continued
Navigation practical
Paper prototype analysis due
11/06 Navigation practical continued
11/08 Navigation practical continued
Data practical
10 11/11 Custom views
Data practical continued, Custom view practical
11/13 Custom view practical continued
Custom view practical II
11/15 Data Persistence
Persistence practical
11 11/18 Practical catch up day
11/20 Project working day
11/22 Usability testing High Fidelity prototype due
12 11/25 Online persistence
Firebase practical
Usability analysis due
11/27 & 11/29 No class - Thanksgiving break
13 12/02 Firebase authentication practical
12/04 Practical and project work day
12/06 Wrap-up
Debriefing survey
14 12/10 Project presentations 9:00 - 12:00 Project materials due