CS 466 - Project Proposal

Due: 2019-10-07 10:10a

The first stage of your project will be to craft a proposal. This won't lock you into the project, but the process of crafting it should help you clarify what you are going to do and provide me with enough to be able to advise the future direction.

This process will largely mirror the last assignment, though we will not include the personas or the final analysis of the usage scenarios (yet).

Concept statement

The first step will be to write a concept statement.

Keep this short and concise. Lists are good. As I showed you in class, you should not do this linearly. Revisit this after you have done the following steps.

  • Name of the app
  • what will it do?
  • who are the users?
  • what problems does it solve?

Usage scenarios

I would like you to write at least four usage scenarios for your proposed app (if you have a complex app, you may need more). Use the model I provided in class as a guide. As in the assignment, include a picture of your user. Feel free to add other inspirational pictures that provide context as well if they are appropriate to your scenario.

Your scenarios should represent at least two different types of users with different goals and should cover all uses of your app.

Focus group reflection

The final piece should be a brief summary of what you learned from your focus groups and a short discussion of how it influenced the shape of your proposed app.


All of your work should be placed in a single PDF and submit it on Canvas (I will update this link when the groups are formalized). Make sure everyone's names and email addresses are at the top.


Points Requirement
6 Concept statement
16 Scenarios
5 Focus group reflection
1 Followed directions