CS 466 - Project Wrap-up

Due: 2019-12-10 9:00am


The major deliverable in this final stage is your app. I am expecting something between a very high fidelity prototype and a finish app. As the focus of this class has been on the UI/UX, I will expect this to be fully finished (at least I will consider what you turn in to be finished). If there are unfinished components, I expect them to be algorithmic (the ML based recognizer that automatically classifies ghosts, say) or related to facilities off your app (you will have the basics for storing data in the cloud and basic user accounts, but maybe the location based push notifications that tells you there is a ghost in the area is not fully operational).

I will be evaluating your app on two metrics. I will be looking at the technical achievement of your app. I will evaluate the technical difficulty, your success in implementing the desired features, and I will be looking at your implementation to make sure you were were following good development practices (i.e., I expect to see maintainable code that follows the patterns modeled in the practicals that obey the "one source or truth" rule, etc.).

I will also be evaluating your application from the UI/UX perspective. I will want to see that you have applied the principles that we have discussed throughout the class, especially with relationship to the context of a mobile app. I will be looking for things like the use of non-standard controls without rationale, controls that don't operate according to expectations, interfaces that need explanations that aren't provided, interfaces that take excessive effort or time to use, hidden controls, navigation strategies that the user can get lost in, etc...


Each group will be expected to present their project to the class. The presentations will be part product pitch and part story of the journey of making the app.

In support of the first goal, I would like an overview of what your app is, who the intended users are and a polished tour of the app showing off the features. I would also like a brief description of what, if anything, is still at the prototype stage.

Your description of the journey of creating the app should take us through from initial proposal and early prototypes through to where the app currently is. This doesn't have to be exhaustive -- I want to hear about the major design choices you made. Where did the design come from, how much was generated internally through iteration, how much came from feedback from users and evaluators? How did the original proposal turn into the app you are presenting?

Team write-up

Your team write-up will somewhat mirror part of your presentation. I want to hear about the story of your app from prototype to current form. I am looking for reflection about the major design choices you made. I want to see thoughtfulness and reflection about which choices are the results of internal iteration, which were attempts to mirror existing interfaces, which came about from the user evaluations, and which just "happened" (because you just went with the first thing you thought of, or technical limitations, etc). I am looking for you to step back from your design and analyze your process and the result with a clinical eye, not for you to defend your choices.

I also want to hear your evaluation of the interface you have created.

  • What are the usability goals? (e.g., should users be able to understand and use it immediately? are you aiming for quick usage, or prolonged interaction? should the user come away thinking about the app or some goal they are trying to accomplish? Are your trying to teach? entertain? should your app provide an emotional response?)
  • What is your evaluation of the UI/UX of your app? Does it meet the goals stated above?
  • Did you make any choices that compromised your vision to satisfy users? Did you have any choices where you stuck to your design in the face of user reaction? If so, why?
  • Is any part of your app a compromise because your technical knowledge didn't match your vision?
  • If you were to do the same project over, what changes would you make to the process (and the outcome)?

Finally, while I tried to give you an experience in this class that mirrored a proper design process, the constraints of running multiple projects and holding to a schedule does lead to compromises in the process. Describe at least two ways in which the design process we followed in class was compromised.

Individual write-up

I would like each of you to submit a short summary of your personal contributions to the project. It should cover the following:

  • What were your overall contributions? What could be attributed to you?
  • What were some of the challenges you faced?
  • What were the aspects of the project (technical or otherwise) to which you felt like you were a particularly valuable contributor?

I would also like you to briefly comment on your teammate(s).

  • In which ways were they valuable to the completion of the project?
  • Were there any ways in which they might have better contributed to the success of the project?


  • I will expect a working version of your app tagged 'final' to be in your GitHub repository.
  • The presentation will be delivered during our presentation slot.
  • The team write-up should be turned in as a group on Canvas.
  • The individual write-up will be turned in individually in a separate assignment on Canvas.

All text documents should be submitted as PDF files.


Points Requirement
15 App: technical
15 App: UI/UX
10 Presentation
5 Write-up: Background
5 Write-up: Analysis
5 Write-up: Compromises
5 Individual write-up
1 Following directions