CS 466 - Assignment four

Due: 2019-09-20 10:10a


  • Start to engage with some of the deeper questions surrounding design and the design process


Read the prolog and first chapter of 'Artful Design'. The chapter ends with a design etude. Wang suggests doing it with three objects, but for the sake of brevity I would like you to do this for one object. Your answer can consist of text, diagrams, photos, sketches, or anything that you think answers all of the questions in part 2.


I will accept either plain text files or PDFs. Please do not submit text and images separately.

Your work should be submitted on Canvas.


Your work will be graded on the following scale:

Points Criteria
10 Exceptionally clear and insightful
9 All questions answered, evidence of thoughtfulness throughout
8 Overall reasonable responses, with some evidence of thoughtfulness, but some answers are shallow or not quite complete.
7 Questions are answered, but are surface level only
5 Only some questions answered, or answers are off-topic
0 Not turned in