CS 466 - Assignment two

Due: 2019-09-16 10:10a


  • Learn some general principles for interaction design


Read through Tog's First Principles of Interaction Design. When you are done, I would like you to write a short response to the reading. Please answer the following questions:

  1. Within this list, you will have no doubt encountered a principle that you never really thought about before and it caused you to reevaluate an interface you were used to or it revealed to you that you were not alone in struggling with it. Describe the principle that most resonated with you along these lines.
  2. Tog suffers from the affliction that many of us who think a lot about usability eventually acquire: a tendency to veer towards being hyper-critical and opinionated. Describe one principle or case study that you felt was not as big of a problem as he made it out to be.
  3. List one principle that applies primarily to novice users and one principle that is more relevant to expert users.


Type up your response using any tool you like. I will accept either plain text files or PDFs. Please do not submit text and image separately.

Your work should be submitted on Canvas.


Your work will be graded on the following scale:

Points Criteria
10 Exceptionally clear and insightful
9 All questions answered, evidence of thoughtfulness throughout
8 Overall reasonable responses, with some evidence of thoughtfulness, but some answers are shallow or not quite complete.
7 Questions are answered, but are surface level only
5 Only some questions answered, or answers are off-topic
0 Not turned in