CS 466 - Assignment Eight

Due: 2019-10-16 10:10a


  • Engage with the interplay between your role as a developer and your values


Read chapter 8: 'Manifesto' in 'Artful Design'.

Briefly answer the following.

  1. Which of the principles in this chapter most resonates with you and why?
  2. This chapter is about design that embodies our values as well as just meeting some function need. In your own words, why does Wang include aesthetics in this discussion?
  3. As you think about this chapter, reflect on your project. Try to articulate the underlying values that you are going to try to design into your project. These may have been there from the start, or they may be new thoughts brought about by the reading. If the reflection has caused you to rethink some aspect of your projects, describe the change.


I will accept either plain text files or PDFs. Please do not submit text and images separately.

Your work should be submitted on Canvas.


Your work will be graded on the following scale:

Points Criteria
10 Exceptionally clear and insightful
9 All questions answered, evidence of thoughtfulness throughout
8 Overall reasonable responses, with some evidence of thoughtfulness, but some answers are shallow or not quite complete.
7 Questions are answered, but are surface level only
5 Only some questions answered, or answers are off-topic
0 Not turned in