CS 466 - Assignment three

Due: 2019-09-18 10:10a


  • Learn about some standard interface components
  • Apply the principles of good interaction design to analysis of an existing design


For this assignment, I would like you to critique an app. This could be an app you love using, or it could be one you loathe, but it should be one currently installed on your phone.

Start by reading the first page about the general philosophy of app design from the Apple Human Interface Guidelines (HiG). The HiG has pages for each standard interface component and a discussion of when to use it. For Android, the closest analysis that I know of comes from Material Design. They offer a breakdown of standard components across multiple platforms. There is also some discussion about Android interfaces in particular, though ironically for a site about design, it is difficult to link to. Start on their Design page, open up the side menu, scroll to the bottom and select 'Platform Guidance', and you will see some Android topics in there.

Using Norman's concepts, Tog's principles, and the above guidelines, I would like you to critique (not criticize) your chosen app. Your critique should briefly answer the following questions.

  1. Overall, is the app consistent with other apps made for the platform, or does it stand out?
  2. Work your way through all of the interface elements, looking them up in the HiG or the MD components (or both). Are they being used appropriately? Are any components being misused? Could the developer chosen more appropriate components?
  3. Does the app violate any of Tog's principles? Does it follow any to good effect?
  4. Do you love or loath the app? Describe ways in which the answers to the above are related to your reaction. If they don't at all, discuss what factors have effected your opinion.

Please be ready to show the app in class and discuss your critique.


Type up your response using any tool you like. I will accept either plain text files or PDFs. Please do not submit text and image separately.

Your work should be submitted on Canvas


Your work will be graded on the following scale:

Points Criteria
10 Exceptionally clear and insightful
9 All questions answered, evidence of thoughtfulness throughout
8 Overall reasonable responses, with some evidence of thoughtfulness, but some answers are shallow or not quite complete.
7 Questions are answered, but are surface level only
5 Only some questions answered, or answers are off-topic
0 Not turned in