CS 466 - Assignment five

Due: 2019-09-25 10:10a


  • Stretch your notions of "interface" and think about embodiment


We are going to skip ahead to chapter five of "Artful Design" now. Read from page 206 to page 246, and then the wrap up on 277 (the rest of the chapter is about the development of the laptop orchestra, which is certainly interesting, but less germane to us).

This reading is very much about the design of musical instruments, which has its own particular set of design challenges. While our focus on "mobile interfaces" could be broadly construed to be anything we could carry around with us, our general understanding has been smartphone based applications. While Wang's Ocarina could certainly be held up as a mobile app that is also an embodied musical instrument, I want you to think a little more generally about phone apps.

Briefly answer the following.

  1. What affordances do smart phones have for supporting embodiment? (provide at least three)
  2. Describe one app that you use that supports embodiment. This could be in a significant way (like Ocarina, but don't use Ocarina), or it could be a a subtle way. Just make sure that you explain how it supports embodiment and why that is an important part of the interface.
  3. Describe one app that was designed without consideration for embodiment. This could be in a major or minor way, but it should in some way make the app more difficult to use.

Note: These two apps could be the same. You could also reuse an app you have previously described provided you are talking about some new aspect of the app.


I will accept either plain text files or PDFs. Please do not submit text and images separately.

Your work should be submitted on Canvas.


Your work will be graded on the following scale:

Points Criteria
10 Exceptionally clear and insightful
9 All questions answered, evidence of thoughtfulness throughout
8 Overall reasonable responses, with some evidence of thoughtfulness, but some answers are shallow or not quite complete.
7 Questions are answered, but are surface level only
5 Only some questions answered, or answers are off-topic
0 Not turned in