CS 105 - Understanding Our Algorithmic World

CS 105 - Assignment Three


  • Demonstrate your ability to deconstruct a problem
  • Demonstrate your ability to apply abstraction to problem solving


For this assignment, I would like you to spend a little more time hanging out with Wacław Szpakowski.

This time I would like you to write a block that produces this image:

Szpakowski image

The block should take one input. That input will be the overall length of the completed image. Note that this is different from the value we used to drive our other explorations, which was the size of some basic unit. This time you will need to reverse engineer any base unit distance you use for constructing the elements of the image.

You should write at least one additional block which draws one of the repeating motifs in the image. (More than a single additional block is, of course, just fine)


  • You should create a block that draws the above image
  • Its one input should determine the overall length of the figure
  • There should be at least one additional block which draws a repeated motif

Exceeding expectations

For this assignment, you can exceed expectations by creating an additional bock that draws any other of Spzakowski's drawings (you may also find another of his images elsewhere -- just don't do either of the two already assigned to you or the one I walked through in class).


Share the project using the instructions from exercise 1.

Visit the assignment page on Canvas to submit the URL.