Computer Science Tutoring

Have a great summer!

Interested in becoming a CS Tutor or Grader?
Check out our FAQ's page to learn more!

Currently a CS Tutor or Grader?
Check out our tutor/grader resources page!

The Computer Science Department values the creation of an inclusive learning environment where diversity and individual differences are respected and recognized as a source of strength. This is a group effort, so as tutors and students attending tutoring sessions you are expected to join in our efforts to foster such an environment. Tutors and students attending tutoring represent a diversity of individual backgrounds and experiences, and each person is expected to show respect for every other person so that everyone can learn and thrive in this space. If you experience or witness any behavior that opposes this idea, it would be helpful for us to know so that we can address it. Please fill out our anonymous feedback form if you want to provide anonymous feedback about CS Tutoring. You may also share any general feedback that you have regarding your experiences with CS Tutoring.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Computer Science Tutoring, please contact:

Catherine Miller at
Robert Lichenstein at