Computer Science Tutoring

Frequently Asked Questions About Being A Tutor/Grader

How many tutors and graders get hired each semester?
Each semester, the Middlebury Computer Science Department hires approximately 50 student tutors and graders.

Who chooses the tutors and graders?
The Computer Science professors select tutors and graders for their courses. This is why we encourage you to get to know your professors and express your interest in tutoring or grading for one of their future courses.

Do I need experience to be a tutor or grader?
You don’t need experience tutoring or grading to become a CS tutor or grader. You only need to have taken the course you wish to tutor or grade for.

What do tutors do?
Tutors host 1-2 hour tutoring sessions, typically in the evenings. Tutors are assigned to a particular course and need to stay up to date on the assignments for that course. Students from the course may come to tutoring at any point during the session to ask for help on their assignment or on the course material in general. Tutors aren’t expected to have all of the answers, we only ask that you do your best to guide students in the right direction.

What do graders do?
Graders help professors grade assignments. Typically, there is a group of graders assigned to a course. Each assignment for the course is divided up between the graders so that the workload is reasonable. The workload depends on how often assignments are due, how many students are taking the class, and how long the assignments are. This is something that you can discuss ahead of time with the professor teaching the course.

How many hours can I expect to work?
Tutors are usually assigned a single two-hour shift each week. Sometimes tutors have multiple shifts, but only if they are available to do so. Tutors may also be hired for in-class tutoring, which may add an additional hour per week. Graders work anywhere from 1-4 hours per week, depending on the grading workload.

How do I apply?
Fill out the CS Tutor/Grader Application form when it becomes available. It will be linked on the CS tutoring homepage. You’ll need to fill out the Google Form as well as the PeopleAdmin application.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Computer Science Tutoring, please contact:

Catherine Miller at
Robert Lichenstein at