CS 702 Senior Thesis

Annotated Bibliography

Please assemble an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography should be a list of your sources. For each source, include the following items:

  • Full citation information
  • A summary of the source. What are the main points of the source? What was the conclusion?
  • A critique of the source. Is this a good reference? Are the conclusions well supported?
  • An assessment of the utility of the source. How does this fit into your topic? Will it be a backbone for your work, or is it of peripheral interest? (note that a weak source, might be a significant building block if you are improving on it, and a strong source may be be of only passing interest if it is not relevant)

These should not be terribly long, and I encourage you to start writing out summaries of your thoughts of each paper as you read them.

Please submit the bibliography as a PDF document on Canvas.

Last updated 01/19/2021