Rebecca Warholic

Assistant in Instruction
B.A. Computer Science and Italian Studies, Smith College, Class of 2020
Office: 75SHS 208
My Face!

Office Hours: Spring 2022

  • Monday:
  • Tuesday:
  • Wednesday:
  • Thursday:
  • Friday:
Important Notice for the Monday March 28th: My office hours are canceled today. I'm sorry for any inconvencience!

Other times, by appointment (with at least 24 hours notice to be guaranteed a response)!

*All Office Hours Remote*

For now, I will be conducting all of my office hours over Zoom. To join my office hours, follow this link: Join Zoom Meeting

Upon connecting you will be placed in the "Waiting Room." I will be doing one-on-one sessions with everyone who joins, in the order that you join the waiting room. Please be prepared with a specific question. I might pull multiple students into one session if they all share the same course or similar questions.