Writing Guidelines

You should use this latex template to write your thesis

You can find past theses at go/scholarship. (Search for "computer science".)


The thesis should:

Plagiarism Is Unacceptable

The thesis should be in your own words. Prior results must be cited. Additionally, any material taken from a source, whether verbatim or paraphrased, must include a citation. If you copy text word for word you must use quotation marks to indicate that it is not your own writing. However, it is relatively rare to use quotations in scientific writing, so please do this sparingly.

You should also determine your own structure at the paragraph level. A paraphrasing that mimics point by point the sentences in a source is not acceptable. For the expository parts of your thesis, we suggest gathering the information and then expressing the ideas in your own words.

Best Practices for High-Quality Scientific Writing

Good scientific writing is good writing and everything you have learned in other classes still applies. Some points of particular emphasis for scientific writing:

Writing FAQ

I vs We
Don’t say “We implemented ...” when it was just you. Instead say “I implemented ...”. It is fine to say “we” when it includes the reader: “We now examine ...”
Passive vs active voice
Technical writing typically uses active voice. That said, you will encounter different views on active vs. passive voice so make sure to find out the expectations of other faculty or the conventions in your subfield.
If you look at the sample text in the template, you will see the text is a combination of present and past depending on whether you are explaining something to the reader (present), or describing something you did (past). For example, you may write: ``This thesis examines three questions. We first investigate...'' Or: ``I ran three experiments.''
Ahh! LaTex! What?!
See the template for some commonly used techniques. Section B.4 of the template has some latex specific suggestions.

Other tips and tricks

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.