Instructions for Final Submission

  1. Make a final pass to ensure that everything is correct and complete:
    • Spell-check, grammar check everything
    • Title page with
      • Title
      • your name
      • adviser name
      • The following text:
        Senior Thesis in Computer Science
        Middlebury College
        May 2020
    • Abstract
    • Acknowledgements
    • Table of contents with accurate page numbers
    • Table of figures (optional) with accurate figure numbers
    • Bibliography
    • All citation numbers in the text are accurate
    • All figure numbers in the text are accurate
    • Appendix (optional) with code, results, etc.
  2. Get archival quality paper from Amy Rose in 75 SHS 207.
  3. Print TWO copies on archival paper, double sided. If you want, print any pages with color figures on a (good) color printer (also on the archival paper). Make sure all the pages are in the correct order. These two copies will be bound; one stays in the department, the other will be shipped to you later this summer.
  4. Submit both copies to Amy Rose by noon on Monday 5/18.
  5. Please provide your summer mailing address using this form. Amy Rose will use address to mail you final, bound copy to you around August.
  6. If your title (including spaces) is more than 60 characters, then also provide an abbreviated title using this form with no more than 60 characters. (This is the character limit for the text on the spine of the bound copy.)
  7. Submit your thesis to Middlebury's digital archive at go/scholarship. To do so, complete the online form at go/submit.
  8. Email the final version to Prof. Kimmel.