
Using Zotero

  1. Download Zotero
  2. Add browser connector.
  3. Download Better Bibtex by following these instructions
  4. Open Zotero application, create a new collection for your thesis references.
  5. Using Google Scholar, navigate to Journal/Conference page for the article
  6. Add using the brower button.
  7. In Zotero, export library (under File), choose Better Bibtex, Notes, Keep Updated.
  8. Any new citations will be automatically added to your bibtex file
  9. Some references, like websites, are not always formatted correctly by the browser button. In this case, you may need to add manually. See Thesis Template for common examples. The reference can be added manually through Zotero or using the approach below.

Building your own .bib file

  1. Create a .bib file using a text editor. (You could also rename sampleThesis.bib from the Sample Thesis template.)
  2. Using Google Scholar, search for the article you are interested in.
  3. On the google scholar listing of the article, click on the quotation mark symbol (see this guide.
  4. Choose BibTex
  5. option.
  6. Copy and paste the entry into your .bib file. (Some people like to list them alphabetically by author last name.)
  7. For references like GitHub repositories that don't appear in Google Scholar, you will need to add manually to your .bib file. See Thesis Template for common examples.

Creating an annotated bibliography

  1. Create a new copy of the thesis template for your annotated bibliography, and get rid of all of the extraneous sections (syllabus, goofy examples, appendices, etc)
  2. Make sure the line \bibliography{xxxx} contains the name of your bib file (without the .bib) in place of xxxx.
  3. In the previous work section, create a (LaTex) list that gives a citation to a biliographic entry, and provides a 1-2 sentence explanation why it is relevant to your work