The brief version:
- Install the Haskell Platform for your particular operating system.
- Find a text editor you like.
- Pick one of the links below, see if it works for you. If it doesn’t, try another. If you run out of links, talk to me and we can figure something out.
Free, online courses:
- Brent Yorgey’s CIS 194: Introduction to Haskell course at Penn
- Benjamin Pierce’s CIS 552 course at Penn [seems inactive]
- Tony Morris and Mark Hibberd’s functional programming course
- University of Helsinki’s Haskell MOOC
- Write Yourself A Scheme in 48 Hours and its successor
Free, online textbooks:
- Learn You A Haskell For Great Good
- Real World Haskell
- Haskell at WikiBooks
- Happy Learn Haskell Tutorial
Other curriculum recommendations:
- Haskell Programming from First Principles (non-free textbook)
- Learning Haskell at
- Getting Started with Haskell at StackOverflow
- Complete roadmap from total novice to Haskell mastery? at Reddit
- list of Haskell resources gathered by github user chemouna
Random, interesting (to me) Haskell links:
- Category Theory for Programmers, by Bartosz Milewski, in a language-agnostic way, introduces the mathematical concepts that form the theoretical foundations of Haskell
- Papers every Haskeller should read at Reddit
- Tools for analyzing performance of a Haskell program at StackOverflow
- Fast number parsing with strict bytestrings from the haskell-cafe mailing list
- Typeclassopedia at
- What Makes Haskell Unique, by Michael Snoyman
- What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell, by Stephen Diehl
- A Guide to GHC’s Extensions, by Jannis Limperg
- The Road to Proficient Haskell, by William Yaoh
- State of the Haskell ecosystem (2022), by Tristan Cacqueray (I think)