pete > courses > CS 202 Spring 24 > Lecture 03: combinational logic

Lecture 03: combinational logic


last time we looked at transistors and boolean logic

we saw how transistors worked, where the gate controls whether the source is connected to the drain

then we briefly summarized this algebra that George Boole invented 150+ years ago

combining the two, we showed how transistors can be used to implement boolean logic operations (specifically, OR and NOT)

this required us, however, to abstract away certain aspects of the transistors

we didn’t worry about the exact voltage level, we assumed presence of voltage was a 1 and absence of voltage was a 0

now it’s time to abstract away all the details of transistors

we’ve shown how OR and NOT can be implemented using transistors (and you’ll implement AND on the homework)

so we’re going to hide those implementation details behind the idea of logic gates

so instead of a bunch of transistors, we’re going to use not-gates (often called inverters), and-gates, or-gates, and xor-gates

(draw on board)

(refer to Gates component collection in Logisim)

note that a circle on an input or output pin indicates negation

can also have multiple inputs

(draw cascading 2-input AND-gates on board, show abstraction as single 3-input AND-gate)

just like we combined transistors, we can combine these gates to perform more complex operations

we break the kinds of circuits we can build with gates into two groups: circuits that remember and circuits that don’t

for a circuit that doesn’t remember, its output is always a combination of its inputs at any given instant

hence, these are called combinational logic (sometimes called combinatorial logic)

(we’ll get to the circuits that do remember, called storage elements, soon)

let’s look at some examples of combinational logic

for our first foray into combinational logic, let us design a circuit that has two inputs, A and B, and output

we want this circuit to allow us to choose which input (A or B) is passed to the output:

if we choose A and A is 0, the output should be 0

if we choose A and A is 1, the output should be 1

if we choose B and B is 0, the output should be 0

if we choose B and B is 1, the output should be 1

how are we going to choose, though?

we need another input

let’s call this other input "select" and decree that, when select is 0, we’re choosing the value of A and when select is 1, we’re choosing the value of B

that’s a human-language description of the behavior we want, but it probably isn’t clear how to construct a circuit to implement it

one way to begin to address that is to translate our human-language description into a truth table

 A | B | sel | out
 0 | 0 |  0  |  0
 0 | 0 |  1  |  0
 0 | 1 |  0  |  0
 0 | 1 |  1  |  1
 1 | 0 |  0  |  1
 1 | 0 |  1  |  0
 1 | 1 |  0  |  1
 1 | 1 |  1  |  1

now, identify every row where the output is 1: there are 4 of them

for each of these rows, construct the Boolean expression, containing all input variables, that makes the row true

for instance, when A is 0, B is 1, and sel is 1, the output is 1

the corresponding Boolean expression would be "NOT A AND B AND sel"

because when A is 0, B is 1, and sel is 1, the expression "NOT A AND B AND sel" is true

for this truth table, the four expressions are:





finally, we just wrap each expression in parentheses, and connect them with ORs:

(A AND B AND sel)

the result is a Boolean expression that is true exactly when the truth table is true, and false otherwise (because we have enumerated the precise circumstances in which it should be true and included no others)

you might wonder if there is a more concise Boolean expression

in this case, the answer is yes

check out these two rows:

 A | B | sel | out
 0 | 1 |  1  |  1
 1 | 1 |  1  |  1

note that the value of A doesn’t matter!

as long as B is 1 and sel is 1, the output is going to be 1, and we can ignore the value of A

so we can instead describe those two rows with the expression "B AND sel"

likewise, consider these two rows:

 A | B | sel | out
 1 | 0 |  0  |  1
 1 | 1 |  0  |  1

here, it’s the value of B that doesn’t matter: as long as A is 1 and sel is 0, we can safely produce a 1

thus these two rows can be described by the expression "A AND NOT sel"

so now our full expression is "(A AND NOT sel) OR (B AND sel)"

and our task becomes to implement an equivalent circuit

fortunately, the Boolean operators NOT, AND, and OR translate directly to circuit elements

if we take just the sub-expression "B AND sel", this tells us we need an AND gate, where one of the inputs is B and the other is sel

likewise, "A AND NOT sel" tells us we need another AND gate where one of the inputs is A and the other is "NOT sel"… that is, sel being passed through an inverter

since these two subexpressions are connected by the OR operator, that tells us we just need to take the outputs of the two AND gates and connect them to the inputs of a single OR gate

and the output of the OR gate is the value of "out"

like so: mux_2.circ

this circuit we have just built is called a multiplexer

and it is an example of combinational logic because, given a particular set of inputs, we always know exactly what its output will be

you will use them quite frequently in this class when you need to implement choice

and indeed this circuit element is so widely used that Logisim has one built in: it’s found in the Plexers library

we might ask ourselves whether we could produce a multiplexer with more inputs: can we choose among 3 inputs or 4 inputs or 111 inputs?

we certainly can!

the first question to ask is how many select wires do we need for a certain number of inputs?

a single input wire, which can only carry two different values (0 and 1) is insufficient to select among 4 different inputs

if we add a second wire, how many inputs can we choose from?

the most straight-forward way to answer this question is to list all the possible combinations of values on two wires:

0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1

four different combinations means we can specify four different values, which means that we can choose from four different inputs

more generally, if there are x ways of doing one task and y ways of doing a second task, there are x times y ways of doing the pair of tasks

in this case, this means that, since there are two ways of picking the value of the first select wire and two ways of picking the value of the second select wire, there are 2 times 2 = 4 ways of picking the pair of wires

if we had 4 wires, there would be 2^4 = 16 ways

in general, if we have n select wires, we can choose from among (up to) 2^n inputs

reversing the logic, if we need to choose from among m things, we need at least log_2 m select wires

(if you’re fuzzy on "log_2 m", it means "find x where 2^x == m")

so we’ve decided we need 2 select wires to choose from 4 inputs

the next task is to write down a truth table, translate it to a Boolean expression, reduce it if we can, and then construct the circuit

I encourage you to do this on your own and compare to my solution:


to return to the process we used above…

it’s a method called "sum of products"

here it is in succinct form:

the multiplexer is, as I said, extremely widely used and you need to know what it does and how it works

another very popular piece of combinational logic is a decoder

a decoder has n inputs and 2^n outputs

at any time, exactly one of those outputs is 1 and the rest are 0

the particular output set to 1 is identified by the n inputs

(remember that n inputs can produce 2^n different combinations, which is why the decoder has 2^n outputs)

these are useful for figuring out what to do based on some input



The following definitions introduced in this lecture are fair-game for future quizzes. You will be expected to give the exact definition as provided in these lecture notes.

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