CSCI 101 HW4 grading notes 35 points total Overall: - must have name and lab section in a comment at the top (-1 point) - each function must have docstring (-2 point total) - submitted code must compile and run (-5 points) - program must produce NO OUTPUT when run, ie, when pressing green arrow in Thonny (-2 points total) Trees: - must work correctly, following instructions (up to -10 points) - must employ randomization in generating the tree (up to -5 points) - must incorporate at least 3 other variations from the basic tree in addition to randomization (variations could include, eg, color, varying pen widths, varying the base case, etc) - must submit output (-5 points) Sierpinski: - must work correctly, following instructions (up to -10 points) - base case must produce no drawing (-2 points) - must submit output for Siepinski generation 4 (up to -5 points) Challenge: - up to 2 extra points if matches our sample drawing No testing code this week, rather we will look at submitted screenshots.