CS702 - Evaluating oral presentations

To help guide you in learning to evaluate presentations, I would like you to answer a couple of questions about each presentation you see. The answers don’t need to be long and involved, just demonstrate that you were paying attention and thinking about the presentation.

  1. What was one thing you learned that you didn’t know before?

  2. What were the main points of the talk? How clearly were they made?

  3. Describe the organization of the presentation. Was there a clear progression of information telling a story or making an argument? Could you tell where you were in the presentation without looking at the clock?

  4. How did the presenter make use of visual aids? Was there a lot of text that you had to read/got read at you? Did the presentation include images and diagrams that augmented/supported what the presenter was saying, or was there an abundance of clip art or meaningless diagrams? How would the removal of the visual aids affected the presentation?

  5. Describe the style of the presenter. Did he or she engage your interest? make eye contact? interact with the audience? speak clearly and fluidly?

  6. List 2-3 strengths of the presentation.

  7. List 2-3 weaknesses of the presentation.

  8. Any general feedback? Would you take a class from this presenter? Was the topic relevant/interesting to you or to CS students in general?