CS 466 - Project: paper prototyping

Due: 2017-04-11 1:30p (prototypes), 2017-04-13 01:30p (discussion)

Paper prototypes

As discussed in class, you are to create paper prototypes of you apps for use in class on 04-11.

The prototypes should be hand drawn, at least one piece of paper per screen. You should try to keep the prototype the same size as the phone, and try to approximate existing UI elements (custom elements are okay, but don't imply a custom element when the conventional one will do). I encourage the use of post-it notes for just in time information added by the user (you can, for instance, get the user to write data input onto a post-it for you and add it to the display), and layered approaches for handling elements like tab bars and scroll regions. I suggest that you come to class with extra materials to do some just-in-time engineering if need be. You are also welcome to come with more than one design if you can't decide on one.

In addition to the prototypes, you should come with a collection of tasks printed out for the user to read. Pick two or three (depending on length) critical tasks that you would like to evaluate. In addition, you should allow the user some "play time" to just futz around with the app.

When running the evaluation, one person should play computer and handle all of the interactions. As I said in class, you should not prompt or interact with the user except to clarify non-interface elements such as problems reading handwriting. You are, however, welcome to introduce the user to the app, but restrict your description to what would be written in the App Store description of you app (i.e., no instructions). A second member of the group should be taking notes (it is possible that with three person teams, there will be two note takers).


After the prototyping session, I would like a 1-2 page discussion about the process. This discussion should include

I would also like you to include pictures of your prototype (these do not count towards the page count).

Please make this a PDF and submit it on Canvas. I only need one copy. Again, make sure that the first page has your names and the project name on them.


Points Criteria
10 comprehensive paper prototypes
10 analysis of prototyping