CS 466 - Project: Presentations

Due: 2017-05-09 1:30p or 2017-05-11 1:30p depending on group


Each group will have 15 minutes to present. Your presentation should cover the following topics:

For the walkthrough, a live demo would be the most interesting, but make sure your slides have screen shots of the relevant views in case the demo doesn't work (and for my reference later).

You don't have a lot of time, so organize your talk and practice it to keep it tight and on point.

Please make your slides into a PDF, and submit it on Canvas.

Presentation order

To determine presentation order, I used a random numbers generator, which yielded up this sequence: [1, 5, 3, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6]. The numbers refer to your group number on Canvas.


Points Criteria
3 User description
3 User scenario
6 Walkthrough
4 Usability issues
2 Remaining items
5 Presentation (clear, sticking to the point, organized)
2 Materials