CS 466 - Assignment Four

Due: 2017-03-16 1:30p


Make the color explorer better

At the moment, the Color Explorer app is fairly barebones. For this assignment, you are going to flesh it out a little bit. I've kept the repository on github up to date. Start with that.

I would like you to add the following features:

For the three different labels, it should be obvious which one is which. You can do that through labeling (e.g., make red, green, and blue labels and put the corresponding number under it), or through formatting (e.g., something like rgb(128,192,42) which we use to style CSS). Pick one of the numbers as the primary one and make the others smaller and subtler (though still readable).

Obviously all of these changes will necessitate redoing the layout. Make sure that the new interface looks reasonable in all orientations and sizes. I will also expect that the layout will be different for the two orientations across all iPhones. Your layout doesn't have to mimic mine (though it can), it just needs to be different and reasonable.


Wait, what is this HSL stuff? HSL stands for hue, saturation and lightness. It is an alternative way to represent color that is useful for designers (there is a subtly different cousin HSB as well). You will find the equations for performing the conversion at http://rapidtables.com/convert/color/rgb-to-hsl.htm.


Put your submission in a folder called username_hw04 and zip it. You can submit the result on Canvas.


Points Criteria
4 App is submitted as described above, has reasonable commenting, and is well designed (structurally)
3 Sliders are labeled
2 RGB label
6 HSL label
3 Sliders adjust color
6 Layout is stable and reasonable
6 Alternative layout for landscape