CS 466 - Assignment Three

Due: 2017-03-09 1:30p


Probably the best way to learn your way around the technology is to just play, so your assignment this week is to put together some really simple applications.

Conversion machine

I would like you to build me one of the more ubiquitous tools out there – a conversion app. A tool that converts feet to meters, Celsius to Fahrenheit, degrees to radians, hogshead to dram. I don't really care which units you convert to which units (as long as they are right – no hogshead to Fahrenheit).

You should be able to handle a minimum of five different units. I suggest sticking to a single category of measurements (length, volume, weight, etc…).


The design is (almost) completely up to you. I would like you to produce a single page app like we did in class (though more complete).

Here is the twist. I would like two different applications. They need to be wholly different in design. They can share the same comparison engine, but they don't have to. If you want to make one a volume conversion app and another a length conversion app, that is fine. The important aspect is that they have radically different designs and use different UI elements. It is okay if there is some small amount of reuse, but I would like to see some radical changes (like text based input in one and sliders in a second).


Put both of your submissions together in a folder called username_hw03 and zip it. You can submit the result on Canvas.


Points Criteria
4 Apps are submitted as described above, have reasonable commenting, and are well designed (structurally)
6 Both apps successfully convert between the stated units
6 The two apps are distinct
4 Both apps are at least minimally usable