CS 466 - Assignment Two

Due: 2017-02-23 12:00p


This exercise will be similar to your first one, but we will add more principles and shift our focus to the mobile domain.

Part One: Learn some more principles and guidelines

Start by reading through Apple's iOS Human Interface Guidelines, which describe how they think iOS applications should look and behave. You can skip 'What's New in iOS 10', 'Features', 'Graphics', 'Extensions', 'Technologies', and 'Resources'. You can also quickly skim 'UI Bars', 'UI Views', and 'UI Controls'. You can return to them later for specific elements of importance. You don't have to memorize the entire book, but you should try to extract the important points.

Second, read Bruce Tognazzini's First Principles of Interaction Design. This is a more general, but also more complete set of principles for performing interaction design. hopefully it will be come obvious that both documents are primarily providing specific instances of the principles you are already familiar with.

Part Two: Apply your new knowledge

Pick two apps. One of them should be something you use all of the time, the other is one that you don't like much (this could be one that you downloaded once and deleted, or you could just take this as an excuse to go exploring). Neither should be a game, nor should they be ridiculously simple.

Android users, for this assignment you can use Android apps. There is even a set of Android User Interface Guidelines, though you should still at least skim the iOS ones as you will be developing for that platform later.

If you have no mobile device (which I should have asked about), please talk with me soon rather than later.

Look at the design choices made in the app. Think about appearance, navigation, and interaction. Which principles apply? Do they follow or defy them? You don't need to capture every single possible principle (since I can't hold them all in my head, I don't expect you to be able to), but you should identify the major principles, and certainly ones that are broken.

Once again, you should work in Google Slides. Take screenshots that illustrate the principle. Put the identified principles and short explanation on the slide with the image (not in the notes this time). You will walk us through at least one of these in class on Friday.

Taking screenshots in iPhones

Taking screenshots on Android devices

Name the slideshow username_hw2, where username is you Middlebury username. Add a title slide that has your name on it, and share it with me.


Points Criteria
2 Slides assembled and submitted as described
8 Application 1, principles/problems identified well
8 Application 2, principles/problems identified well