CS312 - Final Project

Project management

We will be following the scrum agile development practice for the project (we will talk about this in class shortly). We will be conducting three sprints. To help you coordinate your team, we will devote class time to sprint planning, stand-up meetings, and demos at the end of each sprint. You will still need to meet outside of class a couple of times, though more typically in smaller sub-groups.

There are two special roles that will need to be assigned within the group.

The start and ends of the sprints will be announced on the main schedule. Stand up meetings will happen during every class we are not planning or demoing.



Final code [due date 2017-05-19 23:59]

There is no need for an actual hand in provided I have access to your Git repository (which you should give me once you have it set up).

The final version must include a README file in the base directory. This should give an overview of the code and directory structure, installation and deployment information, and guidance on running your tests.

Team write-up [2017-05-22 18:00]

As a team, you must put together a three page (max) write-up summarizing your project. The report must discuss the following:

Demo and presentation [due date 2017-05-16 11:00a-1:00p]

Your team will make a 30 minute presentation at some point during finals. This final project is partially about what your final working project does, but should also discuss the team's experience with scrum and working together. Your presentation should include:

Not everyone in the group needs to present, though you should all be involved in the preparation. I strongly urge you to do a couple of dry runs to make sure that you are not surprised during your own presentation, and you have smooth hand offs between presenters.


As an individual, you will be expected to attend all of the team meetings and contribute regularly, both to the code and the other deliverables. You will also be expected to turn in the following deliverables:

Sprint status reports [due date 24 hours after sprint retrospective]

At the end of each sprint, before planning for the next sprint you must turn in a short status report of your accomplishments during the sprint. The status report must include:

Individual write-up [2017-05-22 18:00]

You must submit a 1.5 page (max) summary of your overall contribution and experiences on the project. The write-up must answer the following questions:


Points Metric
50 Project quality
10 Team demo
10 Team write-up
10 Sprint status reports
10 Individual write-ups
10 Participation

The items will be graded as follows: