CS 312 Software Development

Lecture 08 - DevOps

Deployment: Closing the loop

Programs that are never deployed (for whatever relevant definition of deployed) have not solved their motivating problem. Thus we need to get to deployment!

To do so we must first answer several questions:

  • Are we ready? Is our application in a working state? Do we have the necessary resources, e.g. webservers, databases, etc. to actually deploy our application?
  • How do we actually deploy our application to its production setting?

We will be at our most efficient when we minimize the "delta" between the current "version" of the application and the next "version" of the application. Why? Small integrations (e.g. of a single new feature) into the main branch will be fast and predictable. Bugs will hopefully be identified sooner, in a smaller subset of the codebase (you only changed a small part of the system), while the changes are still fresh in your mind.

To do so we will practice Continuous Integration (CI), that is merging small changes frequently instead of merging a large change at the end of the development cycle.

Similarly we will be most efficient when we can automatically provision the necessary compute resources and automatically deploy our application to those resources. To do so we will practice a "DevOps culture", that is the tight integration of development and operations, to facilitate easy (and frequent) deployment.

In both cases the goal is to make what was a rare, and thus a difficult and scary process, routine.

Continuous Integration (with Travis CI) and Continuous Delivery

Key practices of Continuous Integration::

  • Maintain a single source repository
  • Automate the Build (and the Build becomes a proper noun)
  • Make your build self-testing
  • Everyone commits to the mainline every day
  • Every commit should build the mainline on an integration machine
  • Fix broken builds immediately
  • Keep the build fast
  • Test in a clone of the production environment
  • Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable
  • Everyone can see what's happening
  • Automate deployment

We will use a combination of convention and tooling to support our CI workflow. First convention: we will treat the main branch as the deployable branch. We want to then to keep it "green", that is make sure all commits build and all tests pass. We will develop new features on "feature branches" to segregate those changes until they are complete and ready to be integrated into the main branch (i.e. all tests pass, etc.).

A quick summary of our workflow:

  1. Create a feature branch, e.g. git checkout -b my-feature (combining branch creation with -b and checkout)
  2. Edit, add, commit ... (with tests!)
  3. Make sure all tests pass

If you are working alone you can "integrate" your new feature back into the main branch with:

  1. git checkout main
  2. git merge my-feature

But we are rarely working alone. On a team we need to make sure we stay in sync and create opportunities to get a second pair of eyes on our code (i.e. create opportunities for code review).

  1. git pull origin main to fetch changes in upstream main branch and merge them into your feature branch (note that this doesn't update your local main branch). Resolve any conflicts and make sure tests pass.

  2. git push origin my-feature to make your changes visible to your teammates

  3. Create a pull request on GitHub with your changes to obtain feedback. Depending on the review, revise before merge or withdraw request.

  4. After a successful code review merge your pull request on GitHub and update your local repository:

    git checkout main
    git pull --prune
    git branch -d my-feature

How do the tools support this workflow? We will use Travis CI to automate the build and testing. We add a YAML file, .travis.yml, to our repository that specifies how to build and test the application. If all the steps complete without an error, then our build succeeds and is "green". If the tests fail there is a problem that needs to be fixed before we are ready to integrate the pull request. This file ensure that the application always builds in a consistent environment(s) that is similar to the eventual production environment.

When we enable a repository in Travis, the service monitors the repository for commits and pull requests. For the latter, Travis will build and test the code that would be created by the pull request, ensuring it is "safe" to merge. Travis will notify the authors and update the pull request with the results of the build so that "everyone can see what is happening".

There are two related concepts:

  • Continuous Deployment: Every change automatically gets put into production, and thus there are many production deployments each day.
  • Continuous Delivery: An extension of CI in which SW is deployable throughout its lifecycle, the team prioritizes keeping SW deployable, and it is possible to automatically deploy SW on demand.

We will be aiming for a Continuous Delivery-like workflow in which our applications start and stay deployable throughout the development process. As with CI, this reduces the complexity (and risk) of deployment by enabling us to do so in small increments. And Continuous Delivery facilitates getting user feedback by frequently getting working SW in front of real users. Although to mitigate risk companies will often first deploy for a small subset of users.

DevOps (with Heroku)

What is DevOps? Like Agile, DevOps is not a process or approach but instead a set of values (or a culture or philosophy). There is no one definition, but generally its core principles are:

  • Involvement of the operations function in each phase of a system’s design and development,
  • Heavy reliance on automation versus human effort,
  • The application of engineering practices and tools to operations tasks

In furtherance of the first principle, in some settings there is a single team that is responsible for the entire application lifecycle from development to testing to deployment. The role of automation is to improve efficiency, reduce the chance for human error and provide always up-to-date documentation of the workflow.

The cloud has made large-scale HW widely available with minimal barrier to entry. Providers like AWS offer Infrastructure-as-a-Service, that is you can rent HW and services by the hour, GB, etc; all provisioned via APIs. You are still responsible for connecting (in a virtual sense) and administering those resources - a non-trivial task. The ability to programmatically provision resources (the corresponding opportunities for automation) has accelerated the adoption of DevOps approaches.

There are several common architectural "design patterns" for web applications, e.g. the "Three Tier Architecture". That commonality can be "factored out" to create "higher level" platforms for deploying specific kinds of applications, often termed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Heroku is one of the best known of these PaaS offerings. Heroku makes it easy to allocate resources, e.g. computational units, databases, etc. and then automatically deploy your application with a push to a Git repository.

Heroku itself runs on top of Amazon AWS. Initially there was a considerable gap between the interface Heroku offered and what AWS offered. Increasingly though AWS and other IaaS providers are offering more PaaS-like features, bridging that gap.

Heroku offers a very capable free tier that we will use in class for production deployment.

Last updated 03/23/2021