CS465 - Final Project

Due: 2014-05-18 11:59p

The Project

The final project is to create an interactive visualization tool using the tools, techniques, and theories discussed over the semester. This is your opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned in this class.

The project is intentionally very open-ended. You are welcome to use any data set that you like combined with any techniques that we have discussed over the semester. The only requirements are that it be interactive, written using D3, and more complex than one of our weekly homework assignments. Code that you produced for homework or taken from my examples or Mike Bostock’s examples should make up no more than about 50% of the overall end result.


The project will be done in pairs, but you will be graded individually based on your contributions.


You will deliver an approximately 10 minute presentation to the class during our final week. Please use PowerPoint, Keynote, or a related presentation tool. All of the following should appear in your presentation

Our time is tight, so be succinct and ready to go. Your project is not due at the moment of presentation, but it should be in a state where it can be demoed. Some hand waving is expected, but keep it to a minimum. I will be looking at coverage of the above topics and organization.

Project code and data

I would like a complete archive of your project. This should include everything I need to deploy this and interact with it. My goal would be to create a showcase of your work linked to the course homepage.

Your projects should be polished and finished looking. A new user should be able to figure out what is being shown, how to interpret the visualization, how to use the visualization, and who worked on the project.


Every project should come with a file that describes the project. The contents should include:

Work allocation and assessment

Individually, everyone should submit a document that describes how the work was broken down in the group and an assessment of the quantity and quality of the contributions of everyone in the group (including yourself).


Turning in your work

The documentation and the assessment files should be PDF documents. I would like the project, documentation, and presentation bundled into a zip file called username1-username2_project.zip (with optional username3 where appropriate). Please name the enclosed folder using the same format (minus the .zip) so I don’t lose the folder when I unzip your file. The assessment files should be submitted individually with the name username_project_assessment.pdf.

As usual, all files should be submitted to the class DROPBOX.